Tobi Abraham
4 min readFeb 7, 2023


‘Inhaler! Check the bag!’ Policarp lunges toward the bag but Aziza shoves him off, reaches for the bag and fishes out the inhaler. JJ snatches it and drags on it hungrily.

Aziza proceeds to rub JJ’s back softly as colour slowly returns to JJ’s cheeks. Policarp returns to perch on the desk, jaws cradled in his palms.

‘Didn’t know you were…’ Aziza says after a long moment. ‘Thank God your inhaler was within reach.’

‘I can’t believe it.’ JJ begins shakily. ‘Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse.’

‘Not now JJ. You need to—’

‘You could’ve stabbed me and no one would’ve known. How could you, Policarp? But we agreed… I trusted you!’

JJ sobs. Aziza fails to stop JJ from crying and begins to cry herself.

Policarp scoffs. ‘Una no sabi anything. You think say all of us for here na corper? Me I gats runs my own japa comot for this evil forest.’

JJ jerks into a sitting position, startling Aziza.

‘You think say I be bloody corper with government protection? Look, I’ve got a two-year old, an aging grandmother, and three younger ones to take care of. I literally live everyday for them. Guess what? My parents served this country with their lives, and what … they passed on while in the service of this failed government. And my sweet boy …’ her voice breaks ‘…lost his legs to a decrepit healthcare system.’

Policarp and Aziza look on pensively. JJ sobs a bit before continuing.

‘And we have to take him for surgery. How many more will we lose to senselessness before it's enough? Look, it’s not like I don’t need the money too, but this is about something else… something much bigger than all of us. This is about recovering the corrupt soul of a nation into healthy hands.’

JJ wipes her face dry.
‘Guys, I’m not asking for your sympathy or something, and I understand that you’re going through real stuff at your own end. But how exactly do you intend to give your lineage the best when things go from bad to worse because of your selfishness today?’

‘That’s where you’re wrong, JJ.’ Aziza cuts in. ‘This is only one polling unit. The results of this place couldn’t possibly change the inevitable outcome of the thousand other polling units where stuff is happening.’

‘Well,’ JJ answers. ‘It may feel wrong, but it’s the same way no one imagines that a tiny spark can set the forest ablaze.’

‘So you’re willing to give up your life to spark that flame? You’re crazy.’ Aziza spits.

The room goes silent for a moment.

‘Now, the police wouldn’t budge, there’s no booklet to fall back to, and Viper is coming at us with the fury of a moving train.’ Aziza mumbles audibly.

‘Me I don chop the money wey I kollet. And person nor kuku fit return wetin im don chop.’ Policarp replies weakly.

Voices sift in from outside. ‘Which kain tin be dis? Mek dem finish this thing mek we dey go haus na!’

JJ and Aziza scramble to their feet, wipe their faces and take up position behind their desks. Policarp remains perched on the desk, hunched over in despair.

‘Policarp, see if you can reach the help desk.’ JJ says.

Amidst attending to a voter, Aziza turns to JJ, a concerned look in her eyes.

‘Sure you can handle this…? I mean, after all that…’

JJ smiles feebly and reaches for her phone.
‘Need to call my babies, at least let them know I fought well.’

Aziza glares at her. ‘Don’t tell me you said all that to get here. You promised we’d make it out of this, and I’m holding you responsible.’

‘Thought you said I was crazy?’

‘Well, I meant that in a good way.’

‘So you’re not escaping after all?’

Aziza rolls her eyes and stamps a stack of booklets.

‘I lost someone important too. Was imprisoned unjustly and died in detention. We appealed but no one did anything. We—’

A young man in plaid shirt and pants approaches JJ’s desk.

JJ sniffs. ‘Please hold as I check your details... Zannu Amos Tete?’

Zannu nods. JJ enters his details into a ledger while Aziza fishes out a ballot paper. Zannu observes the red-eyes and heaviness in the room.

‘Was it the network or what? We’ve been waiting all day.’ He asks.

‘The card reader. One's been faulty. Struggled with it all day.’ Aziza answers.

Zannu sneers and mumbles to himself. ‘Typical. Part of the tactics they use to make sure only their people votes.’

JJ looks up abruptly from the ledger and meets Zannu’s eyes.

‘Excuse me Mr Zannu. Have you ever tried to do what's right even though the odds are stacked up against you?’

Aziza and Policarp cast JJ incredulous glances.

Zannu chuckles nervously, slightly taken aback. ‘Well, I think I might be doing that right now.’

‘… but perhaps, the stakes are so high you could lose your life.’

Zannu’s smile disappears. ‘Honestly, I’d rather go home than lose my life.’ Pause. ‘But heck, I just could lose my life for what’s precious to me.’

JJ purses her lips and nods. ‘Thank you, Mr Zannu.’

Zannu nods curtly, collect his slip from Aziza and heads for the voting booth. Aziza leans in to JJ.

‘What was that about?’

JJ shrugs.

‘Policarp, did the help desk go through?’ She asks.

Policarp shakes his head in the negative.

JJ grits her jaw.

Tobi Abraham

Tobi writes prose and scripts for films. He also edits at Reach him on or on Instagram @tobiabraham